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Glossary of Terms

Academic Advisor An academic advisor is a faculty or staff member who serves as an accurate source of information about major, minor, and general education requirements. Advisors help students set and reach academic goals and challenge them to reach their full potential.
Academic Dismissal Students may be academically dismissed for:
  • Failing one-half or more of their semester credit hours in a given semester
  • Failing to raise their cumulative GPA to or above the required GPA after being placed on academic probation
  • Failing to earn a C or higher the second time they take a developmental course (COL099, ENG099, MAT090, MAT095)
Students who are academically dismissed can apply for readmission after one full (fall or spring) semester. Please see the Catalog of Programs for further information.
Academic Early Warning Faculty submit academic concerns they have about first-year students during the fourth week of the fall and spring semesters. Students and academic advisors are notified of the concerns by email. Students are encouraged to contact the professor and/ or advisor to discuss the concerns.
Academic Integrity

Students are responsible for knowing and avoiding academically dishonest behaviors. Examples include, but are not limited to, plagiarism, submitting the same assignment in two or more classes without prior permission, presenting false excuses, and obtaining unauthorized help from another student.

Please see Section 8 of the MU of Student Rights and Responsibilities for further information. 

Academic Probation Students are placed on academic probation if they fail to achieve the required cumulative GPA based on total credits attempted and/ or if they fail to learn a C in their first attempt of a developmental course (COL099, ENG099, MAT090, MAT095). Students on academic probation meet weekly with an assigned Academic Success Coach. Please see the Catalog of Programs for further information. 
Academic Standing Students must maintain satisfactory academic progress to remain at MU. Academic standing can fall into one of the following categories: Good Academic Standing, Academic Warning, Academic Probation, Academic Mismissal. Please see Student Academic Standing for further information.
Acadeum Degree-seeking students in good standing can take online courses (not currently being offered or closed at MU) through Acadeum. Acadeum courses count toward full-time status at MU for academic and financial aid purposes and the grade will be calculated in the MU GPA. Please see the Office of the Registrar for further information. 
Add/Drop Students may add and drop classes on MUHUB Student Planning during the published add/drop period. Once classes have begun, the students must first get an add authorization from the instructor if the course they are adding is full. Please see the Office of the Registrar for current add/drop procedures and deadlines.
Attempted Hours Attempted hours refers to all coursework appearing on a student's transcript, including courses with a W (withdrawal), I (incomplete), or failing grade.
Canvas 91会所's Learning Management System. Students can access courses, send emails to instructors, review grades, and connect with peers. 
Catalog of Courses The Catalog of Courses provides a full listing of courses offered by MU, including their titles, credit hours, descriptions, and requisites. If the course is not typically offered every semester, it will also state whether the course is usually offered every fall, every spring, only even or odd fall/spring semesters, or only at the discretion of the department. This information can also be found on MUHUB
Catalog of Programs The Catalog of Programs is located on the MU website and is the authority on academic policies and graduation requirements. All majors, minors, and specializations offered by MU are listed in the Catalog of Programs with their requirements. Students fall under the requirements of the Catalog in effect at the time of their enrollment at MU. Students should be familiar with the Catalog of Programs and use it to aid in understanding their graduation requirements.
Change of Major/Advisor Students must complete the Change of Program/Advisor form to change or add an advisor, major, minor, or specialization. Advisor approval is required.
Class Level A student's class level is determined by the number of credits earned. 30 credits are needed for sophomore status, 62 for junior status and 94 for senior status. In progress credits are not included in this total.
Corequisite A corequisite is a course or requirement that a student must enroll in at the same time as another course. For example, BIO151 lecture requires enrollment in the co-requisite BIO 151L lab. 
Course Conflict A course conflict occurs when two classes a student wishes to enroll in overlap in time. Students cannot enroll for courses with a time conflict in MUHUB. However, if both professors approve the conflict students can enroll by emailing approval from both instructors to the Office of the Registrar (regis@marian.edu). 
Course Load The normal load for a full-time student is 12-18 credits per semester. Students who wish to graduate in four years should take an average of 16 credits per semester.
Course Overload To be eligible for a course overload (19 credits or more), a students must have a minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA and be enrolled full time at the time of the overload request. The Registrar's Office will grant overload approval if students meet the overload criteria. If the student does not have the minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA, they must petition an overload approval from the Director of Academic Advising (btidball@marian.edu). 
Credit Hour A credit hour measures the number of classroom hours (50 minutes) spent in a class each week. A 3 credit class typically meets three days a week for 50 minutes per meeting or twice a week for 75 minutes per meeting. Example: Monday/Wednesday/Friday 1:00-1:50 or Tuesday/Thursday 12:30-1:45. 
Cross-Listed A cross-listed course is offered under more than one departmental heading. For example, Oral Interpretation of Literature is cross listed as COM235 and THE235
CUE CUE (Consortium for Urban Education) allows students to enroll in courses not available at MU. Students may enroll in a maximum of one CUE course per semester and may not exceed a total of four courses throughout the student's program. Students must be enrolled at least three MU credits, have a 2.00 GPA and be degree-seeking. Six area institutions participate in CUE: Butler University, Franklin College, IUPUI, Ivy Tech Community college, 91会所, and University of Indianapolis. Please see the Office of the Registrar for further information. 
Dean's List The Dean's List is published at the end of each semester to honor students whose semesters grade point average is 3.50 or above. Students must be enrolled in at least 12 credits of graded (A-F) courses and can't earn any incompletes. 
Developmental Course Developmental or remedial courses prepare students for college-level coursework. At MU, students may be required to complete testing to determine if they need to enroll in any developmental courses. Developmental courses do not meet any general education, major, minor, or concentration requirements. However, they will count as electives toward the 128 hours required for graduation. COL099 College Reading and Learning Strategies, ENG099 Basic English, MAT090 Introductory Algebra, and MAT095 intermediate Algebra are the developmental courses offered at MU. Students must earn a C or higher in developmental courses.
Double Degree A student may be awarded two degrees by simultaneously completing two bachelor degree programs, one each from the art (B.A.), science (B.S.), nursing, or social work (B.S.W.). A student who declares a double degree must satisfy requirements for each program as stated in the catalog. The students will receive two diplomas upon graduation. 
Double Major A double major is awarded to students who simultaneously complete the requirements for two bachelor of science or two bachelor of arts degree programs. There must be an essential difference between the two majors. Students declaring a double major must satisfy the department and general education requirements for each major as stated in the catalog.
Electives An elective is an optional class that doesn't meet any general education, major, minor, or specialization requirements. Most students need to take some electives in order to reach the required 128 credits needed to graduate.
Enhancement Course Enhancement courses include activity, developmental, and enrichment courses. A combined maximum of 12 enhancement course credits can apply toward the required 128 credits needed to graduate. Please see MUHUB for the complete list of enhancement courses offered at MU. 
FERPA FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) is federal legislation that protects students' academic information. All student's academic information is considered confidential. However, directory information can be shared. Directory information includes, but is not limited to, name, address, email address, major, participation in University activities and sport, and dates of attendance. Please see the Catalog of Programs for more information. 
Four Year Plan MU provides major four-year plans detailing courses recommended for each semester. Students can follow the provided plans or adjust them (with the help of the academic advisor) to fit their needs. The four-year plans are a planning aid only. Students should refer to the Catalog of Programs to ensure they understand their degree requirements and use the My Progress tab in the MUHUB to monitor their progress.
Full-Time Students must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credits in order to be full-time. Students who wish to graduate in four years should take an average of 16 hours per semester.
Good Academic Standing Students are considered in good academic standing if the cumulative GPA is 2.00 or above.
Grade Point Average, Cumulative A student's cumulative GPA is the average of all MU term/semester grade point averages. Transfer coursework will not be calculated into MU cumulative GPA. 
Grade Point Average, Term/Semester A student's term/semester GPA grade point average for courses taken in a specific semester.
Incomplete Students may submit an Incomplete Grade Request form if it is determined unusual circumstances occurred and they should be given the opportunity to finish incomplete work after a semester has ended. To be eligible for an incomplete, the student must have completed substantial portions of the course and be in good academic standing in the course. An incomplete form must be submitted to the Assistant Provost within one week after the last day of the semester or the I will be changed to an F. All incompletes must be removed by the end of the sixth week of the next semester (excluding summer session) or the incomplete becomes an F. Earning an incomplete for a course disqualifies a student for inclusion on the Dean's List for that semester. 
Major The primary field of study chosen by a student. At MU, a major requires at least 30 credit hours. Many majors require between 48-60 credit hours.
MAP, co-registration Students in the traditional undergraduate program who wish to enroll in a MAP (accelerated online program) course must complete a MAP co-registration form (signed by their advisor) and submit it to the Office of Academic Affairs. The students must present evidence of hardship and explain why they need to take the course through MAP. A committee of faculty will review the request. Students can apply no more than 12 credits of MAP courses toward a traditional undergraduate degree.
Midterm Grades Students can view their midterm grades in MUHUB under the Grades tab. Midterm grades are not calculated into the term or cumulative GPA. They simply give students an indication on their progress at the midpoint of the semester. 
Minor A minor is a secondary field of student chosen by a student. Students might elect to complete a minor to either supplement their major or pursue an interest. Minors range from 18-26 credits, but most MU minors are 18 credits. A minor can meet the Greater Depth of Knowledge general education requirement. 

MUHUB is the online portal students use to handle a variety of university business. Among other things, students can do the following in MUHUB:

  • make address changes
  • add emergency contacts
  • view financial balances
  • make payments
  • view midterm and final grades
  • print unofficial transcripts
  • register for classes

Students can access MUHUB by navigating to and logging in with their Marian username and password.

New Student Orientation All new students will attend a New Student Orientation program prior to starting at Marian. At orientation, students will become acquainted with campus, connect with future classmates, learn how they will thrive at Marian, and register for their first semester of classes.
Placement Testing Placement testing is administered to assist students in achieving academic success. All students are required to complete testing for foreign language and mathematics. All students also completed a Writing Self-Guided Assessment. Some students may be required to complete additional placement testing in reading comprehension. Placement tests should be completed online prior to attending New Student Orientation. 
Prerequisite A prerequisite is a course or requirement that a student must have successfully completed before enrolling in another course. For example, BUS109 must be compted before enrolling in BUS209.
Registration Dates Students should register online through MUHUB during the published registration dates. Registration dates are determined by class level/student year. Seniors with 94+ earned hours register first. Junior with 62-93.99 earned hours register second, then sophomores with 30-61.99 earned hours, and finally freshman with 0-29.99 earned hours. See the Office of the Registrar for upcoming registration dates.
Residency Requirement In bachelor degree programs, the last 12 credits in the major and the last 30 credits overall must be earned at MU. Special waiver requests to this policy must be submitted in writing and approved by the Assistant Provost. The waiver request is included on the transfer course approval form
Specialization Some majors offer specializations, in which a student may choose a focused course of study requiring 12-22 credits of guided major electives. Some specializations are available to students from any major. MU specializations can be found in the Catalog of Programs. 
Transformational Journey Program (TJP) All students are required to complete the Transformational Journey Program curriculum. These courses provide a common academic experience for all MU students, regardless of major. Please see the Catalog of Programs for the complete list of required Transformational Journey Program requirements. 
TJP Pathways/Broad Integrative Knowledge Requirement

Broad Integrative Knowledge or TJP Pathway is a Transformational Journey Program requirement. It can be met in one of several ways:

  • Completion of a second major, which must be outside of the first major school, unless within the College of Arts & Science
  • Completion of a minor outside of a student's major school, unless within the College of Arts & Science. If within the CAS, then the minor must be outside of the student's major
  • For B.S. students only: The completion of a TJP Pathy (see the Catalog of Programs for further information)
Syllabus Students generally receive syllabi from all of their professors. The syllabus is a guide to the course. A syllabus typically communicates the professor's contact information and office hours, course goals, required course materials (textbooks and other resources), grading scale, course requirements and expectations, policies and procedures (including policies on attendance and late/missed work), and course schedule/calendar. 
Withdrawal Students wishing to withdraw from all courses should email regis@marian.edu to officially request withdrawal. A student who withdraws from all courses may be entitled to a full or partial reduction of charges. Please see the Undergraduate Refund Schedule for further information. 
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*Placement rates are gathered from data collected from graduates within six months of graduation.

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